Saturday, June 6, 2015

Star Wars Force Equation Kindle Review

Description of Book:

If you are a fan of the Star Wars movies, hopefully, it't not because of the shoot-em-up aspect of the movies but because of the spiritual side of it. When Obi-Wan Kenobi first teaches Luke Skywalker about The Force he says - "It's created by all living things and binds the universe together." George Lucas was right in half of this sentence and wrong on the other. There is a force that binds the universe together and it was recently discovered by scientists using the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland and announced to the world as 'The God Particle Field' on July 4th, 2012 to very little fanfare even though it is the most important part of our universe because without it, nothing else can exist. Life can exist even without oxygen, water, food, sunshine, but nothing, not even including Life can exist without this newly discovered 'Force' because it is the smallest sub-atomic particles to stick together and this in turn allows the atoms to form, and it's the atoms of all the elements that come together to form molecules - again due to the influence of 'The Force'. Without the molecules in our brains, our hearts, our livers, our hands, eyes, nose, ears and toes, we would not be able to get very far or do very much, or even be. 

But George Lucas was wrong when he put into Obi-Wan's words that this force is created by all living things. Of course, this is nonsense on its face. No living creatures, not snails, nor giraffes, nor lions, or tigers, or bears and not even human beings are capable of creating a force that is holding the universe together. If we could we would be GODS. And in fact what Obi-wan tells Luke on this half of his instructions is actually the opposite of the Truth. The Force that binds the universe together could only be created by God. But, he's right if you changed one word - 'BY' to 'FOR'. God would obviously only have the purpose of creating such a Force 'FOR' all living things - us. Without us - there really isn't any reason to bind the universe together and therefore the recent discovery of The Force - among other things - proves that God exists. 

Of course the creator of Star Wars was making it up. He relied on lessons about Mythology from reading Joseph Campbell's books about how down through the ages of civilization all cultures eventually arrive at the same conclusions about the universe and that there is a force that connects us all together through the various God figures that we construct as idols and worship, pray to and surround with all sorts of superstitions, dogma, rituals and even paraphernalia including masks, beads, wheels, robes, pointy hats, holy water and even holy places. 

But today, in 2015, we have reached a point in our evolution where we no longer have to rely on age-old mythology, delusions, dogma and ritual. Luckily for the advancement of our species we can now rely on Science - Truth, or the best version of Truth that we can know from the process of testing all of our greatest hypotheses and then proving or dis-proving these theories based on the results of these tests or what we call experimental evidence. And all of the latest evidence derived from Astro-physics which studies the vast external expanse of Space/Time and from Particle Physics which studies the equally infinite expanse of inner Space/Time - we now know quite a bit more about the existence of God, where he or she lives, how he or she moves about the universe, how he or she creates and stores the greatest energies ever known and perhaps, from the publication of this new book and The Force Equation that is presented therein - we may even know how to put this Force to use in our own humble little lives. 

Find out how this scientific equation may change your life. 

F = tc3

**As quoted from Book detail on Amazon**


I was extremely skeptical about reading this book. In all honesty I really thought that it would be one of those crazy Star Wars books that just wouldn't make any sense. BUT as I got to actually reading the book it made complete sense!
It is actually quite interesting and very attention grabbing. It shows you a new way to look at the creation, God, Heaven, hell things of this nature as well as the universe. Now I will say there were something in here that I do not agree with, but I have my beliefs and he has his and that's okay. It talks about survival of the human race and tells what we as humans need to know to keep us safe. It is more of the scientific side of things. I am a christian and completely believe in God, but this book still interested me. I think it is a must read as it does show a new way to look at things. It is very easy to understand this book and isn't very long but is very detailed. I was allowed to test this for my thoughts good or bad.

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