Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Cliganic Blackhead Remover Set

I have tried every facial cream in the world (lol well not in the world) and all they did was make my skin break out more or leave my skin rashy and dry. I never knew these kits existed except to dermatologists until I came across this one while window shopping thru Amazon. I saw the postive reviews and the price was great so I thought, why not.

First off, let me say how much I love the leather bag they come in. Its small and convenient. Easy to stash in my purse for whenever I may need it. I also love that they are made of stainless steel so they won't rust or corrode. They are actually very easy to use with little to no effort. Still somewhat painful at times depending on the pimple, but better than have my face burned off by chemicals. Love this remover kit and can't believe I didn't try these out sooner. Happy, and clear faced customer!!

To order your own or to check it out for yourself, click the link below 👇👇👇


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